Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Item of the Day: The Ballance of Power (1781)

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The Ballance of Power

London, Published as the Act directs, January 17.1781 by R. Wilkinson, at No. 58 in Cornhill.

Britannia, holding "The Sword of Justice," says "No one injures me with impunity." On the other side of the scales, the Spaniard says, "Rodney has ruined our Fleet." Frenchman: "Myneer assist or we are ruin'd." American: "My Ingratitude is Justly punished." Dutchman: "I'll do any thing for Money." The pile of coins under the Dutchman reads, "Ill Got Wealth."

Underneath the cartoon are the following lines:

America, dup'd by a treacherous train,
Now finds she's a Tool both to France and to Spain;
Yet all three united can't weigh down the Scale:
So the Dutchman jumps in with the hope to prevail.

Yet Britain will boldly their efforts withstand,
And bravely defy them by Sea and by Land:

The Frenchman She'll Drub, and the Spaniard She'll Beat
While the Dutchman She'll Ruin by Seizing his Fleet.
Th'Americans too will with Britons Unite,
And each to the other be Mutual Delight.

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